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Sabarna Prithivi (One) সাবর্ণ পৃথিবী ১

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Family  News

The Golden Era

Sabarna Parishad সাবর্ণ পরিষদ

Gallery Nostalgia

Web  Diary

History Corridor

Puja Voiage

Kolkata Mystery কলকাতার ইতিকথা

Contact  Me যোগাযোগ

Sabarna Rathayatra

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Our Tribute

Celebration of 400 years


Here are some picture of my own family members, Durga Puja and more......

my grandfather

my grandmother

my parents

my wife

annapurna temple

our durga pratima - baro bari

our house

our durga pratima - baro bari ( 2004 )

our durga pratima - baro bari ( 2004 )

our durga pratima - baro bari ( 2004 )